Friday, May 9, 2008

Drama happens at night

So after consulting my mom and a few friends today, I decided to adopt a level-headed, calm plan of action for this whole crazed situation. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me.

I was sitting at my computer when his roommate and his roommate's girlfriend walk in drunk. Again, she decides to have a conversation with me about him, which is completely fine since I value her input and think rather highly of her. She is like having a young mother away from home. However, this time the roommate got involved which was great because he knows him very well and I knew he would have some insight into what the situation was. His girlfriend did not seem to appreciate his input though, and a huge fight broke out between them. This was all while *he* wasn't home yet. She was called his roommate a hypocrite for his objective outlook on the situation, and regarded it as "flip-flopping". His point was that yes *he* is wrong in his actions and if he was really in love with someone he wouldn't be with someone else, and no, I can be at fault for parts because I was aware of the situation and he told the truth.

She didn't seem to like this and this caused a big fight with them and I didn't get to hear the rest of the story. So I will have to talk to him tomorrow.

However, in the midst of the fighting, he came in from work... at 3:30 am. Fortunately enough, he did not hear the fighting, but at this point I was so shaken up by the situation that I had to leave the apartment. I left without saying anything and made a few phone calls to some people who I believed would be rational to talk to, in an attempt to save my sanity and keep me from this amazing alone feeling you can get when you run out of a situation and no one follows.

Apparently this was the cause of further arguements about their morals and how I should not be wandering the streets of Brooklyn at this time of night. *He* finally called me and asked where I was and I told him I was down the street and I needed to talk to someone. I gathered my "wits" and ventured back inside, only to hear them fighting about me still. I pulled her into the hallway as to make sure *he* didn't know what was going on. She assured me the fight had nothing to do with me but on their differing opinions on right and wrong. Then the roommate stormed down the stairs and she decided to leave and I watched her pack her belongings and begged her not to leave me the apartment with the two of them. She went to leave but I assume he just found her, and the two of them emerged back upstairs. Thankfully *he* seemed to be unaware of what was going on this whole time, at this his obliviousness came in handy this once.

There were other more important things regarding our current situation that I wanted to write about before this took place, but it looks like they will be on hold until tomorrow where I am sure I will have some new developments. This drama is taking over a big portion of my life, and they wonder why I am even emotionally "involved". How can I not be with all of this going on around me? These situations don't happen over mundane and unimportant relationships. These couple of weeks are going to kill me. And I was going to try to make the most of them, that was my plan. To enjoy the time I have living with him and show him what love could be like with me.

I will not be sabotaged by all of this, I have to work through it and make it through, happily, the time I have left here. I love this man, and I am going to fight for him organically, if that makes any sense. At least I won't have to because the universe will do this for me I am sure.

It seems to be that I am the only non-living girl in New York since I have no time with all this chaos. Boston this weekend, maybe. I need to develop pictures and get a new disposable camera.

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