Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dear Facebook and Myspace,

I am sending you a letter of complaint.

This is because I have reason to believe you are part of the cause of some relationships problems.

Yes that's right.

You give us ample room to spy and learn information we should otherwise live without, or get discouraged over the ability not to spy with private profiles. This is absolutely ridiculous that I have to get my anxiety up over some stupid online babble, that may or may not be true in the real world. And in which I don't have proper context to even take it into.

Okay, so you are not completely to blame for relationships problems. Sure I don't have to partake in such activities, but can I blame my culture for my wanting to?

Probably not.

Regardless, this overwhelming plethora or lack of information makes it seems impossible sometimes to talk about these issues in real life. They provide a barrier in which not to cross in fear of fucking up, while these things go unspoken. Which is just as terrible.

I need to just sit on my hands to prevent them from wandering the web in hopes of gaining a days update on my situation.

It will be what it will be, and maybe it will be nothing since I can't confront anything and I let internet psychobabble get to me.

This is terrible that I (a relatively smart girl, with an o.k. head on her shoulders) should invest so much time into such nonsense when I can be doing much more productive things.

Well I don't know how much more productive I could be at 2:32 am on a Tuesday... but surely I could be planning more productive things?

I need a vacation from the internet.

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